Our History

Founded April 2006, Liberty Academy is a private school located in Miami, Florida. The school is separated into two learning environments, a preschool for children between the ages of 3-months to 4-years (VPK), and an elementary school for students entering kindergarten through the fifth grade. What distinguishes Liberty Academy from other programs is its reputation of providing families in historically underserved communities with a high-quality, yet affordable education option.

Our Programs are a model of demonstrated educational excellence and character building. We have created an environment that cares deeply about its students, and we pride ourselves on having a talented and imaginative faculty, capable of producing students who think freely and respond to reason.

Liberty Academy embraces the concept of providing our teaching staff with the Academic Freedom to teach and communicate ideas or facts without being influenced by the political climate of the moment. Liberty Academy encourages students to speak their truths and question assumptions, to demonstrate empathy and compassion, and to develop an enduring curiosity about and commitment to the world around them. Liberty Academy believes that each student is a unique individual, and that all children are born with the ability to learn. Liberty Academy rejects the notion that students from historically underserved communities do not have the capacity to compete with students from more affluent communities.

Liberty Academy is firmly entrenched into the fabric of Northwest Miami Dade County and takes the responsibilities of educating our children seriously and with passion. We prepare our students to engage the larger communities of city, nation, and world of which we are a part. Liberty Academy students have obligations to respect their communities and school, as well as themselves.